Monday 1 November 2010

Xbox! Update - Lionhead! "Where's my money? =["

I had a pretty long night yesterday. After finishing work at 6pm I and some of the other work people
(who are awesome believe me! Like awesome friend awesome XD)

We all went to a bar and just chilled for most of the night, it was pretty kool even though a certain someone seemed to be totally pissed due to drinking ¬ ¬ so i had to drag her around.

Not that i mind, as long as everyone’s alright it's all good ^__^ Didn't want anyone walking into a pool table or anything.

Hmm now that I think about it, perhaps I should have taken pictures for my blog (I did try but people kept moving away from the camera) So it kind of failed.

But meh next time i'll be sure to get some pictures ^__^ Even though this is a gaming/tech blog but meh....

I wanted to start today by just briefly going through the various dashboard updates from the past few years, don't worry I’m not going to bore you guys with useless description on the stuff, that'll be just lame ¬ ¬ so yeah it'll just be minor pictures and a couple of videos on the new update =]

*The Original Dashboard back in 2005*

Then Microsoft got totally bored with the look and it was clearly not that exiting. So then November 19th 2008, the NXE (new Xbox Experience) was launched! 

*The new NXE, updated
Finally we Xbox gamers have been given a totally new slick look to the update, easier navigations to certain things like, changing your windows live.I.D or parental controls etc... But yeah in the video below you guys can check it out

Yeah, if you watched the video. The ending kind of screwed the video up, but at least it shows the randomness of my life XD

One other video that I'd like to show you guys based on the new Dashboard update is the improvements of the avatar creator. It's a lot clearer and easier/quicker to navigate through. You can see what I mean by viewing the video below ^_^

I was actually recording this video with my hand, so the camera may shake a bit since I was moving it around slightly just to zoom into certain things that I was pin-pointing while doing my commentary.

Thing Is I don't have any docking station thing to actually place my phone on to record. I Just use a chair and stack up some box to place the phone on. Yes cheap! lol, but it works so it's all good =]

Now that video is done and the update has settled, time to get back to something that has not only been bugging me sort of, but other gamers around the world!

A lot of people have been questioning as to why, the money that they have made from Fable 3 Kingmaker has not yet, been uploaded onto their Fable 3 game.

When you click on the Kingmaker application on your smart phone, a dialog box appears saying "The game is in progress" not allowing you to access your Kingmaker account.

So what I’ll do for all you magic people =] I'll give you guys a small guide on what to do on how to claim your gold for your FABLE 3 game from Kingmaker, and a possible fix to the "the game is in progress" thing that some people have complained about.

*The King is annoyed cuz he don't have his gold! =[* 

STEP 1: 
Go onto this link: 

When you've got to this page, one the left hand side it will give you a sign in box for your Kingmaker profile. Do that and then then you can log into your magical world of fake gold XD.

Once you’re signed into your account, the picture above will show up! And then below it states "Xbox Live" Click on the "Change" icon and it'll put you onto the next step of the process.

 Then you just have click on the "Link my Fable 3 account...." text and then you can log into your Windows Live I.D (that is the e-mail connected to your Xbox live gamertag) And once that has been done, this other new box will pop up, at shown below.

So yeah, that being done. When you re-load Fable 3 your money should be uploaded onto your game. I guess it'll be a present given to you that you can open up in the sanctuary when you press Start. A gift from Lionhead.

Right now I wanted to make a short video just showing that if this works or not, because it should! Since the box above states you can now receive your winnings.

I really don't know what my phone was doing, it was placed static untouched and the camera was on some action mode, as if it was docked onto my character in the game.

 So that was my experience, I’m guessing you have to wait for a bit for it to get sent to your account. Also the small dialogue box on Kingmaker saying "the game is in progress" When you click on it....
Well once I signed into that Kingmaker website and linked my Xbox live account to Kingmaker, I could use the application on my phone once again and continue to earn more gold.

So I’m guessing you can still earn more gold for your game, (in the real world ^_^) for a short time period. I think I read somewhere about 60 days. So 2 more months. However right now I'm too hungry and I want to eat something. So don't wana check up on research XD.

But I’m guessing I’m right =P Oh and before I go, I just need to show you guys one more thing on this kingmaker thing!

The people that got picked to be on the Rebel side. First off are really lucky!

Secondly, well done to you guys. Because the division with the most regions gets a sweet prize!

You guys get a shared pot of gold between all of you Rebel people, so you guys should be super rich soon enough =P 

 That being said, there rebel team seriously kicked ass! I wanted to become a rebel, since I find them sooo much cooler then the boring royals! ¬ ¬

 What I found weird was that, and this is not just me. When I registered with kingmaker the first time, the game told me that I had been randomly selected to join the Rebel side. And then all of a sudden I could put onto the Royals. I was like T__T

Aw wells, anyway just wanted to show you some guy who's pretty much dedicated his life to Kingmaker and wow he must have been scouting for treasure and everything!

*Guys name is Unrea, and wow*    
So yeah that person has made a total of 1,179,200 GOLD! Now that is dedication! Alright well well done to him and you rebels! (The flag is soo much cooler and i want the T-Shirt!)

Oh and for the downloadable content in the Fable 3 game, it unlocks as you progress through the game, by doing missions etc...My friend TrussingBook told me over Xbox live last night (thanks for the info dude!)

I'll see you guys later. Byee and look after yourselves ^__^

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