Thursday 9 December 2010

Route To work Interview o_O

Hey guys! So England’s been covered in snow, the university fees are going up to £9,000. Students are protesting and I have a really bad cold and I'm sleep deprived. I've been pretty tired from work but meh it's a new day =3

Back to the working journal since it's been a while since I last got back to it. On Tuesday I had to go into university for a mock interview. Where I had to be part of a role-play of a real interview with a member of the games company Relentless. (I was talking about them in the last post =P )

Relentless keeps on coming back on my blog =P  

So the careers adviser started interviewing me. It was basically a role-play of a real interview scenario. And I've been tasked to talk about my day on how this went.

I'm not going to bore you with details on every question, but from what I've learnt I'll just give out a few pointers and how obvious some things are! But due to the pressure or sometimes just trail of thought, all these no brainer answers are missed.

First point, this is obvious but make sure your organized and look respectable. And have your C.V at hand just encase they don't have yours and they ask for it. It shows that you’re prepared and ready!

Do your research on the company that you are going into. It's most likely you'll be asked why you chose X company. You could say soo much, and don't be worried about talking too much. Of course don't waffle around and make stuff up.

Just stay logical and straight to the point, when they ask you something don't just provide one answer. Be ready and confident and provide various other points.

You are there to not only sell yourself but to introduce who you are and what makes you perfect for the job.

So why sit their nervous and thinking of what to say? Speak your mind, say what you know and you'll be fine.  

I was only asked a few questions and overall I was told I did a good job, but it was just me lacking that extra information that she told me she was waiting for.  

Like for the skills I have, I did explain experience in programming, however when explaining examples it should have been far more in depth. I mentioned that I have experience in C++ and C# programming however apparently I had to elaborate on this by talking about previous experiences that involved this.

In conclusion I'm really glad I had this practice interview as I never would have guessed that even though I did do well that there was a lot of obvious factors that I had missed.

Alright well I'll be closing this post now. Sorry for whole essay look today. This was a task T__T Alright people take care =]

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