Saturday 23 October 2010

Game Job research Take 2.

I've been working pretty much all day. Till 9pm so I’ve been kind of tired to actually do any intensive research into actually finding a job in the industry. However I've had a bit of a look using a website named 'develop-online.'

Personally I prefer to find a job that is preferably for a junior graduate programmer within the London area. Now I’ve already spoke about Splash Damage. However trying to find a job in the same category to what you'd want in the location you want can be pretty difficult.

Yeah there were some jobs I found within the London area, however they are either Q&A and honestly with the course I'm doing at University as one of my teacher's had said already. (I’m way too over qualified for that) Not being big headed, but that's for anybody who is doing a degree in games development.

Or they require some decent experience in terms of games development, which I lack since I have yet to get a job in the industry and actually make AAA titles.

Now when it codemaster's there a great company! They've made one of the best racing games on the next-gen consoles known as GRID and are known for making one of the most realistic tactical shooters 'Operation Flashpoint'

*I never bought it XD XD*

I remember I spoke to a guy who works with Codemasters' when I went for the signing of my Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker gamer by Hideo Kojima! I don't think I've told you guys about that but yes! During the summer I went to central London to Uniqlo. And got it signed by my favourite and most inspirational games developer of all time! ^___^ 

[I know this is old! But I thought I'd put it up since i'm talking about it now anyway]

*My fail at photography.....There were soo many people, luckily i managed to get a snap =]*
*Signed and my face drawn by the artist Shinkawa (left) And Signed by the lead game designer of MGS Hideo Kojima (right)* 

I was waiting in line for ages! But it was worth it =] seeing your gaming idol ^_^ and taking home something that has been signed by him. As far as this university thing goes I suppose this can be added since this does count as a gaming event.

Yeah I have to pretty much talk about anything I've done gaming related such as go out to expo's and so on....Like Eurogamer which i mentioned a few post's ago.

Anyway back to the point! So I met this guy from Codemaster's who was actually totally surprised by when he first told me. We were both talking while waiting in the line and I had told him that I was doing a computer games design course at University. And all of a sudden he said he works for the Codemaster's and i was like O_O 

I looked into their job listings as well from their website. And once again looking for people with some decent experience in the industry. Even so I really want to contact them; however they are located in Warwickshire. Which is really far from me, so.....Sadface =[

Aw wells, ill keep on looking. My next post should be more interesting. Sorry for this post if it bored you. Remember this is also for university work ;) So I have to talk about stuff like this sometime =P Right I'm off to bed.

<3 you peoples!

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