Sunday 17 October 2010

Too far

This weekend has felt pretty long, have been aching to write up my blog to keep you guys updated and posted on any random stuff that has been going on in my life as well as in the gaming and tech world! o_O

By the way I work at a computer/tech store named Anvika, honestly it's a great place to be, most of the time I don't even feel like it's work because the people are soo fun to be around ^_^

Now I think I explained it in my last post, but my University has given a task for me to post my journey of hunting for a job in the games industry in my blog. Now not everyone may care about what I have to write here.

So I thought what I’ll do is basically, have one post for job hunting (the university work) and I’ll make a second part of the post, which will be all based around me being my magic self again and talking about hardcore gaming/tech news that'll makes you guys smile!!!!

So if you’re interested in my hunt for a job in the industry, do so. If not don't worry about it and skip to the next post ;) This is called “5 days!" ^__^

 But anyways let’s start! ¬ ¬ 

The company above are creators of one of the most popular party games on any console. I'm talking about Buzz =P You know that title where there are four players?....Each person is basically given a controller that looks like a remote control with four different colour coded buttons and when asked a question.

The player must press the right button in conjunction with the question to win points and fake awards, so you can go yay!!!! I won!!!! And then you hit back into reality and find out, wait I’m just sat down on the sofa in front of a TV screen and that disheartened look kicks in. 

Homer got sad =[ over not getting his winnings.

Enough of that though XD so yeah you guys know Relentless software, currently I believe there continuing work on the Bluetoad murder files, its a puzzle game that revolves around a murder mystery. The cool thing about this game is that it works on an episodic content. 

So at the end of the game you can have that dramatic "dun dun dun!" sound effect kick in your head XD, making you wait for the next episode to release for you to find out what happened o_O.

I'd say the company itself are great ^_^ and I spoke to a lady who works there last year at the careers fair at Eurogamer. She told me that at Relentless they don't do unsociable hours of work like most other games company. 

You do the basic shift of 9am to 5pm basically, and then you can head on home or transform into your alter ego to save the world like Batman or something....

Anyways XD lol, I was doing some research on some possible job listings within the games companies based around London since i live there. And then my friend (TrussingBook) told me that Relentless Software are hiring and that he applied for a job for marketing for the company. 

So I went on the website and I was actually really pleased when I found out that they were looking for a junior programming. Now even though I won't be graduating till sometime next year. I felt that it was great and I should possibly try to apply for the job roll and explain my situation and see if anything could happen for me. 

You can see that I’m currently looking for a programming position. My ideal dream position would become a lead games designer. So then a company can start production on the many titles have bottled up in my head as well as concept designs ;) 

However one must always start off somewhere and coming from the advisers from major games companies such as Relentless, Rare and so on. They have always stated to me that I must follow one path. Now I am developing my skills already on many factors that include:

C++ & C# (XNA) programming & 3ds Max and Maya 2011 3D modelling and animation. (By the way I was tasked to say stuff like this, not being big headed XD) So yeah I'm developing my skills in these things, as well as trying to problem solve issues which is really needed in the industry. So i really wanted the position!

Unfortunately they are located in Brighton ¬ ¬ now I'd like to work there but the distance from London to that place is long! And honestly won't really be practical. However I'll still have a go at trying to talk to them about some stuff and send them an e-mail

Everyones Happy,wish i was there.

Those people from Splash damage all smiling, and why not? I'm sure working there must be awesome. Working alongside with Bethesda who publishes their titles. Additionally releasing their latest brilliant title 'Brink' which was really great! I'm sure you guys read about it in my first blog. If not read it! 

If you look closely I made sure to add the top part of my firefox web browser because my theme is team Fortress but in Anime. Looks magic =P But anyway, that is another company that I’ve had my mind-set on as well.

I remember saying in my first blog that I helped them out at Eurogame and also obtained a signed T-shirt by them! So it was great. The people are really nice and must be great to work with. Now I'm looking to apply for a job at this company. 

However once again distance may be an issue =[ Since it takes me 1 hour and 30 minutes to reach Bromley. (the location of this company) However I'll still apply and see how it goes. Thing is I really want to work for the industry, gaming is my life! 

And to actually work in these companies and making them, it would be incredible! That and taking over the world....But I’ll talk about that another time. 

Thinking about it though, i still have to be realistic. So I’m still thinking on my situation due to the distance having to travel. I mean that’s pretty much almost a 2 hours journey just to arrive to work. Aw wells we'll see. 

Now let’s talk about Crytek, I hope you guys all know about this company =P They have the Cryengine o_O probably the most technology impressive engine in the industry to date. Cry Engine 3 rocks! <3 And it's being used to Make Crysis 2, played it at Eurogamer and the game was really good. My friends and I loved playing it. 

And Yes the game does look this good! 

 So I was at the careers fair and they had public relation people there ready to talk. I was really eager to talk to them. Because I knew Crytek were an awesome company! With the games they've made from the past and especially the game engine XD. 

When I spoke to the people from the company I was told that when providing anything a portfolio, it would be nice to apply something to cater towards the approach the games are like currently that are being released by Crytek. 

Basically, she's saying that make something or a tech demo that looks realistic, since Crysis is a very realistic looking game. This is true since the company may like that since they are doing something similar to what your portfolio holds.

However that is not to say that they only want something that is similar to what the company is currently doing, because I was also told that being random with your work is also good. As in to provide work with various themes. Like from a cartoony theme to a realistic approach.

She told me this because, even though Crytek are working on a ultra-realistic looking game (Crysis 2) They could also work on another game in the future which may not be soo visually impressive but actually have a totally different look and feel to it. 

That being that, I’ll have to start doing a bit more research on Crytek and see what places are available as well as do some further work on my portfolio ;)

Well I’m done with the University work blog now. Time to get back to the gaming news and other awesome stuff!!! So check out the next post ^_^ (Oh and thanks for reading this post if you found it interesting or even helped u out with some advice = P )

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